Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wow I haven't updated in a while...

Well school ended in May with a round of chaotic mayhem that made me wanna rip my eyes out. Then June came in with a sweep of depression and now July has it with a banged up foot. Which sucks but what can ya do?

I was recently on the Square Enix website and decided to bring in a little bit of Zack Fair to my blog with the amazing ZACK SQUAT TEST!!!!! That's right, live from Shin-Ra and in existence since Cloud Strife competed in a squat test for a wig for a cross dressing infiltration effort I bring you Zack Fair doing squats! The man does more squats than I have in my life. That said though, it makes the beach scene well worth it. XD

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Get on the way to the Nest the West

Hi everyone! Two posts in one month is pretty impressive for me, considering I don't update that often. But I felt I had to say something that happened over the last couple of weeks.

Okay so Prom is coming up at school, I've never been to a school dance in my life, and I was considering on going. But then one of the co-President's said something totally biased that's just been bothering me ever since. "Guys, I have coupons for you if you wanna get 30% off of a tux." Well that one made me somewhat annoyed, because I don't like wearing dresses, I never have, I have only worn a dress once. That was for my 8th grade graduation, because my grandparents wanted a picture of me in one before they died. Well of course I had to oblige them, though one set decided to send me off to debutaunt classes when I went to see them again. But that's beside the point. My point is, I was insulted that he turned the cold shoulder to me, who was considering going with some other people, but I was going to wear a tux.

So that bothered me, but hey I got over it. I mean I had bigger fish to fry, like kicking Ram ass at my LaCrosse games. But then came this morning, when he said that all of the girls going to Prom were going to wear dresses. That pissed me off even more. Which roughly brings my dedicated readers up to speed with important things in my life. Other than that, I did really well in my martial arts tournaments of late, been doing pretty well in LaCrosse, and school's been going well. Nothing really to tell about those, but it would be nice to put a post about that.

Finally that brings us to the end of today, so until next time, I will catch you on the other side.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Morning Rays the Hairspray Queens...

Hey everybody!!! What's up people? Long time no talk, I didn't post over Winterum or Spring Break. I had a right miserable time trying to get through Driver's Ed, I passed but man was it Boooooooooooooooring. So I won't go into that. Spring Break wasn't much better, I ended up playing a lot of Resident Evil 4. I basically watched Leon die, a lot. Yeah I suck so therefore I won't go into it.

I saw a pretty kick ass April Fool's joke in which my Chem teacher put ammonia in a jar and said it was a special thing that would weaken the capilary to allow for an easy access for blood samples. Then he had two of the class idiots, Quinlan and Wardy for my friend in France's amusment, dip their hand in it. He then offered them a sheet of Goldenrod Paper, which acts as an indicator of the presence of a base, and it turned red when they pressed down. So naturally it was a bit of a laugh, but I figured out quickly when two things happened, 1. Quin and Wardy weren't bleeding when they pulled their hands back, and 2. he didn't grab a white sheet of paper. If it really worked then my peers would have been bleeding and he would have grabbed a white sheet of paper. Still when he smacked his hand against it, the loud noise triggered my startle reaction. He brought the paper around and I could smell bleach, whose main ingredient is ammonia.

Anyway, that was about the only prank worth telling or anything like it. So until next time, obey the company!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who watches the Watchmen?

Okay so I just got back from seeing Watchmen and it was amazing. Well except for the risque bits but I made sure to avert my eyes from those. I may be old but I still have virgin eyes of sorts. The one thing I must question about this movie is the soundtrack. Because the music seemed the most odd at the strangest points. But that was wiped out by the fact that it ended with a song that sounded like it was from My Chemical Romance so I feel better about it. 

Anyway, um, not much else to say, I wanna break heads because I'm in a bad mood over the events of the day. But that's more of a task for Ethan and the crew. There's a war to be written about and it will not write itself. Simple as that.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Live from the Classroom!

This post comes in live from chemistry class. I decided to see whether or not I could blog from inside a classroom. We're doing solutions and how to interpret the graphs they leave. Naturally I actually read the goddamn chapter so therefore I decided to skive off of sorts. Mostly due to my ADHD and my ability to pay attention to multiple things at once. My mom says it's what would allow me to survive if there was every a zombie invasion or some other disaster. My senses are hyper tuned to keep me alive, not to sit in a classroom and pay attention. My best friend and I have been discussing it as whether or not ADHD should be classified as a disorder. It's not really a disorder just a different wiring of the brain.

Ah well, just another moment in my screwed up little life. XD

*edits* I realize that I hurt someone with part of the content of this post. The offending content has been removed and I would like to note to the offended that you have my eternal and undying love always and forever.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Recently been Fucked over?

Okay so I know the war between record companies are furious and frantic. I recently got fucked over a fair bit by Universal Records Company for my use of a bunch of songs. As for me, I was perusing the blog of my favorite YouTube user, ShadowLeggy. She had some advice that I am putting up here.

1. Dispute the claim

Which sounds cool since it's worked for other people. At best you get the audio restored, at worst you get a suspension and a total video removal. I may try this and argue that the video was properly credited in the description, and that it was not made for a profit, and provides the company with free publicity.

2. Special YouTube Link

No idea how to do this one since even Lady Shadow had nothing about it on her post. More info when I get it.

3. Leave out the Title and Artist

So basically it's simple, leave nothing creditable in the description or tags. Seems to work though Her Leggyness seemed to encounter trouble one one of her videos. So same advice as #1, do at own risk.

4. Fan Cover

Untested theory, but it's where you try to use a fan based cover of the song. No idea how keen anyone is on that. I doubt I'll try that, while I can sing, I can only play Guitar Hero and Rock Band as opposed to an actual instrument.

5. Don't use Mainstream music

So basically don't use anything the companies will recognize, which is basically anything on the radio. As far as I know this works since none of the videos I've made with anime themes have been touched. 

Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say, I may see if I can put videos up here this way I can at least have the audio last for longer than 24 hours before I become an innocent victim of a war. *le sigh* Until then, arivaderchi my poor friends.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Okay so my winter break went alright, I got some new games to play and clothes to wear. I think I've officially become addicted to Resident Evil during my break. I never really had a chance to play it since I tend to be somewhat scared of horror games. That said, I had an enjoyable time working through Code Veronica X, Outbreak, and 4. On top of that I beat Kingdom Hearts RE:Chain of Memories. Which was fun since now I can use theater mode to watch all my favorite parts again.

So then, for this con that's coming in March I need to come up with a cosplay and I have absolutely no idea who I should do. I was thinking about getting an Organization XIII cloak to start off and give myself some options. My favorite member of the group is Demyx, so I think I'll give him a trail run and see how well I can pull him off. From there, who knows...

That's pretty much my break. Not that exciting, apart from the New Year's party. My friend and I have a tradition of going to the local international market and finding the most disgusting drink we can. Then at her party we all have to drink it. This year it was Jelly Grass Juice, banana flavored. I can honestly say it wasn't the worst thing I've ever tried. Shows how well my tradition goes.

From the top of Shin-Ra, this is your humble Turk signing out for right now.